Dry Purple Sea Moss

Dry Purple Sea Moss
Purple sea moss is high in Anthocyanins, which are the water soluble pigments that give foods their red, purple and blue colours. Anthocyanins are phytonutrients which are powerful antioxidants that fight against free radical damage, and are anti-ageing. Here are some additional benefits of Anthocyanins which can be found in purple sea moss:
- Fights inflammation in the body
- Helps balance the hormones
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Prevents heart disease and hardening of the arteries
- Helps prevent and fight cancer
- Helps prevent diabetes
- Helps prevent neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
- Prevents vision loss
- Helps prevent obesity
- Increases energy and prevents fatigue
- Helps to clear brain fog
- Improves memory, concentration and cognitive function
Sea moss contains many essential minerals needed for the body to thrive and be in optimal health and is an immune booster.
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A Word From Our Clients
Faith S.Before taking Sea Moss gel my average blood sugar readings were consistently 209.
M. ConeyI love it. I've lost 5 lbs since taking it and my sugar level has been better. I want strawberry next!
TKSince I started declaring everything I need finds me, opportunities present themselves quickly.
Kasha’s T.Sea Moss gel has boosted my metabolism, curbs appetite, and helps my digestive track.
My mom reviews are the same as mine but she also said her cigarette taste is gone
Lizz P.I really noticed a difference in using it and i absolutly love the way it makes me feel!
Faith S.It’s the Sea Moss Gel
Jennifer MI've noticed a huge difference in my digestive system. Its "healthier" coming out....lol. I've noticed a reduction in heartburn also, which is a HUGE deal for me.