60 Sea Moss Capsules

60 Sea Moss Capsules
Love Sea Moss, but can’t stomach the gel? Try Sea Moss capsules and enjoy the next 30 days. Each pill is 500mg. Take 2-3 per day.
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A Word From Our Clients
Faith S.Before taking Sea Moss gel my average blood sugar readings were consistently 209.
M. ConeyI love it. I've lost 5 lbs since taking it and my sugar level has been better. I want strawberry next!
TKSince I started declaring everything I need finds me, opportunities present themselves quickly.
Kasha’s T.Sea Moss gel has boosted my metabolism, curbs appetite, and helps my digestive track.
My mom reviews are the same as mine but she also said her cigarette taste is gone
Lizz P.I really noticed a difference in using it and i absolutly love the way it makes me feel!
Faith S.It’s the Sea Moss Gel
Jennifer MI've noticed a huge difference in my digestive system. Its "healthier" coming out....lol. I've noticed a reduction in heartburn also, which is a HUGE deal for me.